Greetings from up North!
So I'm Sungai Petani! Jyyeaah! The long awaited holidays have commenced and I am oh-so happy to be home.
Funny thing happened on my way back home, while on the bus this morning.
It was 9.30 in the a.m, that's when I started my journey back home this morning. Normally, I'd immediately plug in my earphones, cover myself up with my sweater and close my eyes, hoping that by the time I wake up, we'd be somewhere in Perak, just to make the hellish journey a bit more endurable. But today, I felt like holding off sleeping for a while just to look at and listen to the people around me. I like to observe people...mostly, I like to stare. I'd like to think that that makes me wise/philosophical/artsy/poetic...or some shit like that. LOL. Anyways, I like to look at people, because most of the time, they can surprise you. True enough, I was surprised.
As I was looking, I noticed a lady sitting just in front of me but a little bit to my right, so I could see her clearly but she couldn't see me staring! (ahah!) The first thing I noticed were her shoes (d'uh!). She had on these amazing pair of old-fashioned, masculine boots, almost like the ones my dad used to buy for me when I was a little girl. She paired them with jeans and a bright blue top. She also wrapped a shawl around her neck. She looked very pretty and proper. Also, by the way she sat, straight up and with her legs crossed, I concluded that she was either a control freak or just stuck up. Which basically is the same thing. Moving on....
As the journey continued, the bus driver chatted away with his friends and they were making noise like nobody's business. Every sentence had a LAHABAU or a LAHANAT or a SIALAN or a BABI, somewhere in it. Now, I was quite used to this having been staying in Malacca for the past 4 years. I knew this was how true blue Malaccans went about their conversations. As I was listening, I looked over to the lady in the boots. She was looking over to the driver, adjusting her sitting position and fidgeting here and there. I could see from the side of her face that her eyebrows were creased, almost like she was upset. I could tell that the conversation made her uncomfortable. To add to it, a sudden gush of wind brought in a strong smell of ciggie smoke from the front of the bus. The driver was smoking away while chit chatting with his buddies. Rokok daun pulak tu.The lady covered her nose and fanned her fingers in front of her face to get rid of the God-awful stench. And then...something weird happened...
As I was looking and listening, a funny/weird/scary thought entered my head. I almost felt like I had to, no wait, I wanted to apologise to her for their behaviour. I have no bloody idea why my brain cooked this up. I had it all in my head, the picture was clear as day. I could clearly see myself walking up to her, and saying "Kak, sorry eh kalau akak mcm tak selesa. Biasala kak..."
Things got weird-er when I realised that I was giggling to myself at the thought of walking up to a stranger and giving out random apologies on behalf of other strangers.
Kerja gila.
But then again, I wonder...
how would she have reacted?
Happy Holidays, loves!