Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I dunno, it's either I'm so goddamn busy that I don't have time to blog...


I just have nothing to blog about. Writer's block, if you may... Haih...lullness.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

And another...


Brittany Murphy

(Nov 10, 1977 - Dec 20, 2009)

Gone too soon.
Little known fact: I envied her for months because she had a quickie with Eminem.
Is that wrong?

Our fav movie makeoveree

is it just me? or are there wayyyy to many R.I.P's for 2009?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cameron, you did it again!

Yes!!! I knew James Cameron wouldn't disappoint me..I knew it!!

Verdict : Loved every minute of it (all 3 hours!!). Might as well have been 5 hours, because I want more!! wowowowo!

And then there was KBM...

SO, for the past two weeks, we've had two debate tournaments back to back..

First, there was the Great Serdang Debate (GSD) in UPM, Serdang.
Didn't perform well there, didn't even break. Was kinda upset about it...but I told myself to stay positive for my team mates and for KBM...

Balloons (our debate coach) and Praba were the champions of GSD. Wooot! Proud of you, Balloons! You're definitely not fired. Hahaha.

And then came VC Cup 2009. We were given the honour of hosting and running the tournament for the very first time in KBM. The deal was, my job was to debate and perform up to the expectations of my coach, my lecturers, the campus director and my friends. However, someone decided to fuck up so the debaters ended up running the whole tournament as well as debating.

I've always said it, and I'll say it again; when push comes to shove, and with hope and a little bit of luck, we can do exceptionally well, and we certainly did.

The tournament ran smoothly, although with minor hiccups here and there, we pulled through and eventually hosted one of the best tournaments in UiTM (or so the feedback suggests).

Best of all, three KBM teams broke into the quarter finals, two teams made it to the semis and one team eventually succeeded in getting into the finals. That actually brought tears to my eyes, seriously.

Credits go to:

Datuk Mizan
Pn. Aida

Mdm. Josephine
Mdm. Nagamany
Iqbal Hafiedz
KBM 1- Azim and Sha (Quarters)

KBM 2- Faris and Jehan

KBM 3- Noel and Fina (Quarters, Semis and Finals)- 4th place

KBM 4- Rosal and Omar

KBM 5- Bobo and Alif (Quarters and Semis)

Adjudicators - Mira and Milah

The Runners:



Getting 4th place was a little bit disappointing but I'm seriously happy with it, it was actually an honour to have been given the chance to stand and compete amongst great UiTM debaters on one stage. For myself, getting the "best speaker" award was truly amazing. Thanks to those who believed in me.

Thank you so much to all those who were involved directly/indirectly. Without you, this would have never been possible. And to those who shirked, I feel sorry for you, because you could have been a part of something amazing. Till next year, and many more ass-kicking years to come from KBM. We really are a force to be reckoned with.

hard at work, yo!

Mdm. Jo - bored


4th place is better than nothing, I say.

The crew, yo!






more pics in Facebook!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's A Wolf Thing.

Watched New Moon the other day...

1. Hated the storyline
2. Scenes were sketchy.
3. Edward and Bella's love scenes were excessive and boh-ring. I mean, don't kiss passionately a gazillion times and then not have sex later. It's annoying and just sad.
4. The vamps look like they had waaayy too much foundation on. (yes, more than the first movie).

BUT...the upside:

1. I've never been a die-hard fan of Twilight, except for the special effects and certain scenes that make you go goo-goo-ga-ga over the hot, hot men.
2. Edward's mother, a.k.a Esme (Elizabeth Reaser), looked uber gorgeous, I love watching her (even though she appeared in like, 2 scenes.)
3. THE WEREWOLVES. zomg! They were amazingly super super hawt! Hamana Hamana Hamana! Never thought I'd have the hots for 17-year old Taylor Lautner a.k.a Sharkboy, but I do. I really do! I cannot express the words to describe how hawt he was in the movie! His merry band of wolves were no exception. They are a breath of fresh air compared to the frail, pale, cold-skinned and dead vamps.


I just love to look at them and I hope they kick the Cullens' asses back to the 19th century where they belong. Long live the Werewolves!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tears on my...tissue?

Seriously, people! I think I'm going through some sort of pre mid-life crisis. This stupid crisis, one which even I don't know about...I keep on crying for the silliest things.

I was watching this stupid tv show, it was meant to be funny, everyone else laughed but I cried, I don't even know why.

Then I watched Grey's Anatomy...I cried while watching EVERY episode!

Then I wanted Dad to buy me something, he says no A LOT so after 22 years of Dad saying no, you'd think that I've gotten used to it, but yesterday he said no and I cried! WTF?

Stop crying, bitch!!! Ugghh...

Tissue, please?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Get some guts, Bitch!!

I know the answer's staring at me blankly in the face, but I still choose to ignore it.

Or at least I think I'm ignoring it, I might just be avoiding it. Yeah, maybe "avoid" is the better word.


I don't got the friggin' balls to face the friggin' truth! oh, please!! Get some guts, Bitch!! pfffftt!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Perfection is Overrated.

No matter how you stress that you want something to be perfect, there will always be holes in what you ultimately end up with. Seriously. Ask yourself, when has ANYTHING ever ended up perfectly perfect?

1. The perfect man?
Yes, you've met your match. He's the love of your life. This is it! But, as the months past, you realise that he has one or more than one of these traits; he has a receding hair line, he has a bad temper, he's messy, he doesn't listen to you enough, he's horrible in bed, he's a Mr. Know-it-all, he hates children, he hates your friends, he's demanding, he's shallow, he doesn't like the same things as you do and/or your friends think he's not hot enough for you.
But...through all this, he loves you, he cares for you, he buys you stuff just because, grabs your hand and dances with you, tickles you in bed, kisses you in the morning and says you look good even on the worst of days. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for you.

2. The perfect best friend?
Same thing goes for best friends. Essentially, having a best friend is not far off from having a boyfriend. You start noticing that she is super annoying when she's in love, she's always the boss of you, she's untidy and hates cleaning up, she can hurt your feelings with just one word, she yells, she brings you down, she insults you in front of other people and she neglects to appreciate you.
Again...through all this, she's the only who can make you laugh until you cry, she holds you tight after every break-up with some loser, she's always there when you need her, she slaps you back to reality, she manages to surprise you with the simplest things and she's better than any boyfriend you've ever, ever had. You also realise, at least you HAVE a best friend. She's not perfect, but she's perfect for you.

3. The perfect Life?
You're always broke, your parents nag you, your boyfriend's a gaping asshole/you don't have a boyfriend, your friends judge you 24/7, procrastination is your first name, your sex life is in the gallows/non-existent and nothing seems to go your way.
On the other hand, you know you're not filthy rich, but you're not dirt poor either. You have love in your life, be it your boyfriend or friends or both. Your friends judge you but they know you, and they're there for you no matter what. You HAVE friends. Work always gets done and although things don't always go the way you want it to, at least you have a life. Your life is far from perfect, but it's perfect for you.

We make compromises everyday. We hate those compromises, but in the end, those compromises are the ones that shape who we are and how we live. Imagine this, if the whole world was perfect, then everyone would be exactly the same. Hmm....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Epitome of Idiocracy

Dear Ms. J


Could you be more conceited and condescending? Dear teacher, please note that NONE of us hold you in high regard and you are the last person on earth that ANY of us would listen to or seek advice from. You are, my dear teacher, the reason why students hate coming to class and hate to learn. You are the reason why we get students who graduate to become teachers but still speak ghastly English. Damn!

I mean, seriously. The reason why I'm losing it here is because you, the person who supposedly said all those great, constructive comments back there, didn't set a good example yourself! Well, if your idea of teaching is sitting down at the back of the class, texting your non-existent boyfriend while forcing us to COPY DOWN notes from the PowerPoint slides, then by all means -- you really are the GREATEST teacher walking on the face of this earth.

If you say that we come up with crappy lesson plans and activities, then by all means, please demonstrate your superior teaching skills. Please, oh dear teacher, for you are indeed, mind blasting! In the words of my good friend Mr. Peters -- anyone can blow your mind, but you were mind BLASTING!

While you're off showing the world your great teaching skills, why don't you correct your pronunciation as well. Say it with me-- it's se-cond, not say-ken. Oh, and please go get laid...it will do wonders for your personality and your complexion. I'm just saying...

Ugghhh! Bodoh.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alter Egos.

One of the most frequent questions that I get because of my blog is -- Who is Stephanie Morris?

Well, Stephanie Morris is someone I created. She's my alter ego. She's me, but meaner and more blunt. Stephanie Morris is the bitch. She tells you the truth instead of considering your feelings. Harsh, but true.

And no, she does not exist solely in this blog. She's very real. She pops out when you least expect it.
So yes, Stephanie Morris is me. Only more bad-ass... LOL.

*I swear I didn't steal Beyonce's speech.*

New Beginnings.

Hey folks, it's Stephanie Morris. From now on, I'll be posting from here. As many of you are aware, my old blog was Sunny Side Up, it still exists so you can click on the link and read some of my older posts.

I'll be starting from scratch here but it's still the same old S.M. Don't ask me why I didn't change the layout. I love this layout, I made this layout. So lay off!

Have fun, folks!
And as usual, keep reading and commenting, yah!